
For the following code to run smoothly it is necessary to have the folders that the line of code calls for.
The main folder is called Forecast, which holds all R-markdowns. The subfolders for the Forecast folder are: Code, Data, Output. The subfolder Code holds scripts.
The subfolder Data holds two more subfolders: Countries, Raw Data. The Countries subfolder [this is an optional subfolder] includes folders for each country to which we individually want to save data on. Raw Data folder only has the raw data on it.
The subfolder Output includes a subfolder called Countries and this folder has folders for each country. Each country then has 2 additional folders: Plots, Tables.
The Plots folder saves all graphs created in the script.
The Tables folder saves all excel files with the performance indices.
Note the models are label by c 1 k. which stands for c -> colombia, 1 -> club 6101 and k -> kitchen trash bags.
It is necessary to change c 1 k whenever you’re analyzing a different set of item and club. This way graphs and models are saved into folders with their specific name.
For easier substitution ctrl+f. In the first box type the name you want to substitute, such as c 1 k. and on the second box include the prefix you want to substitute with, suck as c 2 k. Then click the last All option.


This section sets up the language in which the codes are run, and working directory. Two parameters, namely len_dec and len_inv reflect the purchasing strategy. Parameter len_dec refers to the frequency in which buyers make purchase decisions; len_inv refers to the time span from purcahse to selling of an item.

Installing packages

Define functions

Three functions are defined in this section. firstly, performance_index_dtds function calculates the performance of prediction models on de-trended and de-seasonalized quantity data. Secondly, performance_index_raw function calculates the performance of prediction models on raw data. Thirdly, feature_engineering function performs feature engineering to prepare for machine learning data.

# This scripts stores performance_index function

performance_index_dtds<-function(df_Actual, pred_name, pred_value){
   assign(pred_name, exp(pred_value+(retrend_log-trend_log[1])+reseasonal_log))
   df_Actual<-cbind(df_Actual, get(pred_name)%>%as.numeric())
   colnames(df_Actual)[colnames(df_Actual)=="get(pred_name) %>% as.numeric()"]<-pred_name
   assign(paste0("MEAN_", pred_name, "_total"), 
         envir = .GlobalEnv
   assign(paste0("MEAN_", pred_name, "_target"),
   assign(paste0("RMSE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("RMSE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("RMSE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("RMSE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MPE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MPE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAPE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAPE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MASE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         Metrics::mase(df_Actual%>%select("Actual")%>%data.matrix()%>%as.numeric(), get(pred_name)%>%as.numeric()),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MASE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         Metrics::mase((df_Actual%>%select("Actual")%>%data.matrix())[(len_inv+1):(len_inv+len_dec)]%>%as.numeric(), (get(pred_name)[(len_inv+1):(len_inv+len_dec)])%>%as.numeric()),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)

performance_index_raw<-function(df_Actual, pred_name, pred_value){
   assign(pred_name, exp(pred_value))
   df_Actual<-cbind(df_Actual, get(pred_name)%>%as.numeric())
   colnames(df_Actual)[colnames(df_Actual)=="get(pred_name) %>% as.numeric()"]<-pred_name
   assign(paste0("MEAN_", pred_name, "_total"), 
         envir = .GlobalEnv
   assign(paste0("MEAN_", pred_name, "_target"),
   assign(paste0("RMSE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("RMSE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MPE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MPE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAPE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MAPE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MASE_", pred_name, "_total" ),
         Metrics::mase(df_Actual%>%select("Actual")%>%data.matrix()%>%as.numeric(), get(pred_name)%>%as.numeric()),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
   assign(paste0("MASE_", pred_name, "_target" ),
         Metrics::mase((df_Actual%>%select("Actual")%>%data.matrix())[(len_inv+1):(len_inv+len_dec)]%>%as.numeric(), (get(pred_name)[(len_inv+1):(len_inv+len_dec)])%>%as.numeric()),
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
feature_engineering<-function(t_v, feature_list){
  function_names<-c("avg" , "diff")
  function_list<-list(function(x) roll_meanr(x, n= 4), function(x) c(diff(x), NA))
  weeks<-c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 26, 52)
  for (feature in feature_list){ 
    for (lag_number in (weeks[weeks>=len_dec+len_inv])){
      assign(paste0("lag", "_", lag_number, "_", feature), lag((t_v%>%select(feature))[[1]], lag_number))
      t_v<-cbind(t_v, get(paste0("lag", "_", lag_number, "_", feature))%>%as.numeric())
      colnames(t_v)[colnames(t_v)=="get(paste0(\"lag\", \"_\", lag_number, \"_\", feature)) %>% as.numeric()"]<-paste0("lag", "_", lag_number, "_", feature)
      for (i in (1:length(function_names))){
        assign(paste0(function_names[i], "_", lag_number, "_", feature), lag(function_list[[i]]((t_v%>%select(feature))[[1]]), lag_number))
        t_v<-cbind(t_v, get(paste0(function_names[i], "_", lag_number, "_", feature))%>%as.numeric())
        colnames(t_v)[colnames(t_v)=="get(paste0(function_names[i], \"_\", lag_number, \"_\", feature)) %>% "]<-paste0(function_names[i], "_", lag_number, "_", feature)

Importing Training Dataset

Dealing with Variables

This section transforms the formats of some variables, and create dummies for date and month categorical variables.

Summary statistics

c1k contains data for one item in one club.

head(c1k, 10)
##            X1 TransactionDate number_transactions number_members sales_usd
## 122484 740049      2015-01-02                 100             97    820.56
## 116457 704433      2015-01-03                 106            101    986.26
## 119636 723140      2015-01-04                  22             20    189.36
## 118109 714112      2015-01-05                   1              1      7.89
## 115908 701277      2015-01-07                  89             85    743.85
## 117876 712776      2015-01-08                  69             66    593.56
## 117378 709815      2015-01-09                  81             77    690.64
## 119638 723154      2015-01-10                  87             84    839.96
## 121951 736750      2015-01-11                  92             90    800.71
## 121748 735595      2015-01-12                 106            102    926.32
##        sales_local exchange_rate quantity Apr Aug Dec Jan July June Mar
## 122484     1963416   0.000418000      104   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 116457     2359875   0.000418000      125   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 119636      453096   0.000418000       24   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 118109       18879   0.000418000        1   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 115908     1793505   0.000415000       95   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 117876     1453683   0.000408467       77   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 117378     1680231   0.000411000       89   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 119638     2020053   0.000416000      107   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 121951     1925658   0.000416000      102   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
## 121748     2227722   0.000416000      118   0   0   0   1    0    0   0
##        May Nov Oct Sep Fri Sat Sun Th Tu Wed
## 122484   0   0   0   0   1   0   0  0  0   0
## 116457   0   0   0   0   0   1   0  0  0   0
## 119636   0   0   0   0   0   0   1  0  0   0
## 118109   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  0  0   0
## 115908   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  0  0   1
## 117876   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  1  0   0
## 117378   0   0   0   0   1   0   0  0  0   0
## 119638   0   0   0   0   0   1   0  0  0   0
## 121951   0   0   0   0   0   0   1  0  0   0
## 121748   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  0  0   0
# Time span
## Beginning and Ending of dataset
##         Min.      1st Qu.       Median         Mean      3rd Qu. 
## "2015-01-02" "2015-12-07" "2016-11-11" "2016-11-16" "2017-10-31" 
##         Max. 
## "2018-10-05"
## Gaps
##  [1] "2015-01-06" "2015-04-03" "2015-09-08" "2015-09-16" "2015-12-25"
##  [6] "2016-01-01" "2016-03-25" "2016-09-06" "2016-12-25" "2017-01-01"
## [11] "2017-01-29" "2017-01-30" "2017-01-31" "2017-02-01" "2017-02-02"
## [16] "2017-04-14" "2017-06-18" "2017-06-19" "2017-06-20" "2017-06-21"
## [21] "2017-06-22" "2017-06-23" "2017-10-20" "2017-10-21" "2017-10-22"
## [26] "2017-10-23" "2017-10-24" "2017-12-25" "2018-01-01" "2018-03-30"
c1k_quant_dist<-c(c1k$quantity, rep(0, sum(c(min(c1k$TransactionDate):max(c1k$TransactionDate))%in%c1k$TransactionDate==FALSE)))
hist(c1k_quant_dist, breaks = 20)

c1k$SalePrice_local<- c1k$sales_local/c1k$quantity
c1k$SalePrice_usd<- c1k$sales_usd/c1k$quantity
# trends and cycles
## Price in local currency hiked in late 2015 and again in late 2018
ggplot(data=c1k, aes(x=TransactionDate, y=SalePrice_local))+geom_line()

## Price in USD increased gradually 
ggplot(data=c1k, aes(x=TransactionDate, y=SalePrice_usd))+geom_line()

## Volumes of sales remained relatively stable 
ggplot(data=c1k, aes(x=TransactionDate, y=quantity))+geom_line()

Loading the Categorical Sale

Cetegorical data, namely sales data of all items in the same category as the item under study added up, are also used.

Aggregate data to the weekly level

category_club contains data at the same club, but with sales of all goods in the same cateory added up.

## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   TransactionDate Category_Sales_usd Category_Sales_local Category_quantity
##   <date>                       <dbl>                <dbl>             <dbl>
## 1 2015-07-29                   1039.              2967434               139
## 2 2015-06-29                   1894.              4843364               200
## 3 2015-02-04                   1472.              3547368               160
## 4 2018-08-18                   1344.              4060388               137
## 5 2016-05-30                   1682.              5144080               185
## 6 2015-11-06                   1059.              2983677                99
c1k$TransactionYear<-year(c1k$TransactionDate) #Extract Transaction Year

   transaction_avrg=mean(number_transactions, na.rm = TRUE),                                
   members_avrg=mean(number_members, na.rm = TRUE),                                           
   sales_local_avrg=mean(sales_local, na.rm = TRUE),
   sales_usd_avrg=mean(sales_usd, na.rm = TRUE),
   exchange_rate_avrg=mean(exchange_rate, na.rm = TRUE),
   category_sales_usd_avrg=mean(Category_Sales_usd, na.rm = TRUE),
   category_sales_local_avrg=mean(Category_Sales_local, na.rm = TRUE),
   category_quantity_avrg=mean(Category_quantity, na.rm = TRUE),
   quantity_avrg=mean(quantity, na.rm = TRUE),
   salePrice_local_avrg = mean(SalePrice_local, na.rm = TRUE),
   salePrice_usd_avrg = mean(SalePrice_usd, na.rm = TRUE))

c1k_week$TransactionTime<-paste0(c1k_week$week_number_year,"-W", c1k_week$week_number, "-3")%>%ISOweek2date()
c1k_week$week_number<- as.numeric(c1k_week$week_number)

head(c1k_week, 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 14
## # Groups:   week_number_year [1]
##    week_number_year week_number transaction_avrg members_avrg
##               <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1             2015           1             76           72.7
##  2             2015           2             69.8         67.2
##  3             2015           3             78.4         76.7
##  4             2015           4             71           69  
##  5             2015           5             66.7         64.3
##  6             2015           6             60           58  
##  7             2015           7             47           46  
##  8             2015           8             40.6         40.1
##  9             2015           9             51.9         50.4
## 10             2015          10             57.1         55.6
## # ... with 10 more variables: sales_local_avrg <dbl>,
## #   sales_usd_avrg <dbl>, exchange_rate_avrg <dbl>,
## #   category_sales_usd_avrg <dbl>, category_sales_local_avrg <dbl>,
## #   category_quantity_avrg <dbl>, quantity_avrg <dbl>,
## #   salePrice_local_avrg <dbl>, salePrice_usd_avrg <dbl>,
## #   TransactionTime <date>

Identify Seasonality and create time series

The periodogram function does not detect high frequency seasons accurately. To solve this problem, one of the built in functions need to be modified.
Run the following line in r:
trace(spec.pgram, edit=TRUE)
Then change line 9 to:
N <- N0 <- nrow(x) * 128
Then click “save”. The function is hence temporarily changed. Judgement is still needed to determine what type of seasonality it is capturing. In this case is year, half-year and three-month.
The seasons detected are only rough estimates and we need to use knowledge about annual time series to determine the real seasons (semi-annual, annual etc.).Therefore, the identification of seasons here is not completely automated. Personal judgement is still needed.
Firstly, 52.14, the number of weeks per year, is always included.
Secondly, only periods shorter than 52.14 should be included, and their length should be adjusted to its closest whole-month length. For example, if 13.02 is reported is a strong period by Fourier transformation, 12.53 (three months) should be the season used in analyses.
Thirdly, none period should be multiple of the other (otherwise Fourier regressor does not work). Therefore, half-year period is changed from 26.07 to 25.07 weeks. We believe better ways to deal with this problem exist.

trace(spec.pgram, edit=TRUE)
## Tracing function "spec.pgram" in package "stats"
## [1] "spec.pgram"
#detecting seasonality
p <- periodogram(c1k_week$quantity_avrg[1:(nrow(c1k_week)-len_inv-len_dec)])

dd <- data.frame(freq=p$freq, spec=p$spec)
order <- dd[order(-dd$spec),]
top10 <- head(order, 10)

# convert frequency to time periods
time = 1/top10$freq
##  [1]  25.58333 307.00000  27.90909  51.16667  12.79167  17.05556 153.50000
##  [8]  21.92857 102.33333  10.23333

Creating Time Series

ts function is used to create time series, and frequency is set to be 52.14, the number of weeks in a year.

#creating time series: log
t_log<-ts(log(c1k_week$quantity_avrg)[1:(nrow(c1k_week)-len_inv-len_dec)], frequency = 52.14, start = c(c1k_week$week_number_year[1], c1k_week$week_number[1]))  

plot(t_log)+title("Log sales quantity, club 6106")

## integer(0)
ggplot(c1k_week)+geom_line(aes(x=TransactionTime, y=quantity_avrg))+xlab("Transaction time")+ylab("weekly average")+ggtitle(paste("Sales quantity", club))

Deseasonalizing Methods

In stl function, s.window and t.window are both set to be 13, which simply follows the example here.

decompose_log <- stl(t_log, s.window = 13, t.window = 13)

adjust_log<- t_log - decompose_log$time.series[,1] 

Detrend after taking out the outliers

tsclean function is used to take out outliers.

outlier_free_log<- tsclean(adjust_log)
trend_log<- decompose_log$time.series[, 2]
detrend_ts_log <- outlier_free_log-(trend_log - trend_log[1])

# adjust_log is trend and random combined, and outlier_free_log is adjust_log with outliers taken out
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type
## 'NULL'

# detrend_ts_log is random part of time series

Training and Validation Set: uni-variate methods

Validation set is the last part of the existing data set, with a length of the sum of len_inv and len_dec. Training set is the rest of the data set.

training_log<-ts(detrend_ts_log[1:(nrow(c1k_week)-len_inv-len_dec)], frequency = 52.14, start = c(c1k_week$week_number_year[1], c1k_week$week_number[1])) 

# future trend and seasonality, which will be added back:

trend_fit_log <- auto.arima(trend_log)
trend_for_log <- forecast(trend_fit_log, len_inv+len_dec)$mean
reseasonal_log<-forecast(decompose_log$time.series[,1], len_inv+len_dec)$mean

##validation set

validation_log<-ts(log(c1k_week$quantity_avrg)[(nrow(c1k_week)-len_inv-len_dec+1):nrow(c1k_week)], frequency = 52.14, end = c(c1k_week$week_number_year[length(c1k_week$week_number_year)], c1k_week$week_number[length(c1k_week$week_number_year)]))

validation<-ts(c1k_week$quantity_avrg[(nrow(c1k_week)-len_inv-len_dec+1):nrow(c1k_week)], frequency = 52.14, end = c(c1k_week$week_number_year[length(c1k_week$week_number_year)], c1k_week$week_number[length(c1k_week$week_number_year)]))

Visualization of Trend, season and random

theme_ts <- theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, 
                                              colour = "grey10"),
                  panel.background = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey85"),
                  panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey85"),
                  panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "grey85"),
                  axis.text = element_text(size = 13, face = "bold"),
                  axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
                  plot.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
                  strip.text = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
                  strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black"),
                  legend.text = element_text(size = 15),
                  legend.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
                  legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
                  legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white"))

# Decomposition of log series

decomp_stl_log<- data.table(Quant = c(t_log, decompose_log$time.series[, 1], decompose_log$time.series[, 2]-decompose_log$time.series[, 2][1], detrend_ts_log),
                         Date = rep(c1k_week$TransactionTime[1:(nrow(c1k_week)-len_inv-len_dec)], ncol(decompose_log$time.series)+1),
                         Type = factor(rep(c("log quantity", colnames(decompose_log$time.series)),
                                       each = nrow(decompose_log$time.series)),
                                       levels = c("log quantity", colnames(decompose_log$time.series))))

ggplot(decomp_stl_log, aes(x = Date, y = Quant)) +
  geom_line() + 
  facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales = "free_y", switch = "y") +
  labs(x = "Time", y = NULL,
       title = "Time Series Decomposition by STL (log quantity)") +

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/decomp_training_log_c1k.jpg", width = 6, height = 10)

decomp_stl_training_log<- decomp_stl_log

decomp_stl_forecast_log<-data.table(Quant=c(rep(NA, len_dec+len_inv), reseasonal_log, retrend_log-trend_log[1], rep(NA, len_dec+len_inv)), 
                                Date = rep(c1k_week$TransactionTime[(nrow(c1k_week)-len_dec-len_inv+1): nrow(c1k_week)], ncol(decompose_log$time.series)+1), 
                                Type = factor(rep(c("log quantity", colnames(decompose_log$time.series)),
                                       each = len_dec+len_inv),
                                       levels = c("log quantity", colnames(decompose_log$time.series))))
decomp_stl_combined_log<-rbind(decomp_stl_training_log, decomp_stl_forecast_log)

ggplot(decomp_stl_combined_log, aes(x = Date, y = Quant, col=set)) +
  geom_line() + 
  facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales = "free_y", switch = "y") +
  labs(x = "Time", y = NULL,
       title = "Time Series Decomposition by STL (log quantity)") +
## Warning: Removed 36 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/decomp_combined_log_c1k.jpg", width = 8, height = 8)
## Warning: Removed 36 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

Simple forecasting models

Four simple forecasting models are used in this section.

#Average Method 
Average_Method<-meanf(training_log, h = len_dec+len_inv)
#Naive Method
Naive_Method<-naive(training_log, h = len_dec+len_inv)
#Seasonal Naive Method
Seasonal_Naive_Method<-snaive(training_log , h = len_dec+len_inv)
## Warning in lag.default(y, -lag): 'k' is not an integer
#Drift Method
Drift_Method<-rwf(training_log, h = len_dec+len_inv, drift = TRUE)

autoplot(training_log) +
   autolayer(validation_log-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series="Validation")+
             series="Mean", PI=FALSE) +
             series="Naïve", PI=FALSE) +
             series="Seasonal naïve", PI=FALSE) +
             series = "Drift", PI = FALSE)+
   ggtitle("Forecasts for Random Component: simple log models") +
   xlab("Year") + ylab( paste(item, "\n logged, detrended and de-seasonalized"))+
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type
## 'NULL'

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/simple_log_total_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)

Summarize performance

c1k_week_quantity_models is the dataset that stores the forecast results of all models.

c1k_week_quantity_models$TransactionTime<-paste0(c1k_week_quantity_models$TransactionYear,"-", c1k_week_quantity_models$week_number, "-3")%>%as.Date("%Y-%W-%w")

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Average_Method", pred_value = Average_Method$mean)

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Naive_Method", pred_value = Naive_Method$mean)

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Seasonal_Naive_Method", pred_value = Seasonal_Naive_Method$mean)

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Drift_Method", pred_value = Drift_Method$mean)

# re-trended and re-seasonalized data: plots
c1k_week_quantity_models_plot<-gather(c1k_week_quantity_models%>%select(-c("Actual", "TransactionYear", "week_number")), model, quantity, Average_Method:Drift_Method, factor_key=TRUE)
#for club 6107 run the following:
#c1k_week_quantity_models_plot<-gather(c1k_week_quantity_models%>%select(-c("Actual", "TransactionYear", "week_number")), model, quantity, factor_key=TRUE)

c1k_week_int_Actual<-c1k_week%>%ungroup()%>%select(c("TransactionTime", "quantity_avrg"))
c1k_week_int_Actual<- c1k_week_int_Actual[(nrow(c1k_week)-len_dec-len_inv+1):nrow(c1k_week),]



Arima models


This section utilizes the auto-arima function.

Simple_Arima<- auto.arima(training_log)
## Series: training_log 
## ARIMA(5,0,0)(1,0,0)[52] with non-zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##           ar1      ar2      ar3      ar4      ar5     sar1    mean
##       -0.1825  -0.1186  -0.2620  -0.2044  -0.2047  -0.3207  4.2232
## s.e.   0.0732   0.0736   0.0713   0.0729   0.0740   0.0829  0.0019
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.00396:  log likelihood=241.57
## AIC=-467.15   AICc=-466.3   BIC=-441.65
## Training set error measures:
##                        ME       RMSE        MAE         MPE     MAPE
## Training set 0.0008088031 0.06168521 0.04837278 -0.00268697 1.145589
##                   MASE        ACF1
## Training set 0.5521407 -0.03315475
fc_Simple_Arima_1<- forecast(Simple_Arima, len_dec+len_inv, bootstrap = TRUE)

#Graph the forecasted results 
autoplot(fc_Simple_Arima_1) +
   autolayer(log(validation)-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 

#Checking accuracy

##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from ARIMA(5,0,0)(1,0,0)[52] with non-zero mean
## Q* = 47.693, df = 29, p-value = 0.01581
## Model df: 7.   Total lags used: 36
# Bring fc_Simple_Arima_1$mean back through de-trending and de-seasonalizing
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Simple_Arima_1", pred_value = fc_Simple_Arima_1$mean)

ARIMA single season

This section uses grid to tune the K parameter to get the Fourier regressor.

##Finding best fit model 
for(K in seq(25)) {
  fit <- auto.arima(training_log, xreg=fourier(training_log, K=K),
  if(fit[["aicc"]] < Arima_Fourier_AIC[["aicc"]]) {
    Arima_Fourier_AIC <- fit
    bestK <- K
## Series: training_log 
## Regression with ARIMA(0,0,3) errors 
## Coefficients:
##           ma1      ma2      ma3  intercept   S1-52   C1-52
##       -0.2337  -0.2146  -0.2469     4.2228  0.0032  0.0014
## s.e.   0.0738   0.0744   0.0662     0.0015  0.0025  0.0027
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.004387:  log likelihood=234.68
## AIC=-455.37   AICc=-454.71   BIC=-433.05
fc_Arima_Fourier_AIC <- forecast(Arima_Fourier_AIC,xreg=fourier(training_log, K=bestK, h=len_dec+len_inv))
autoplot(fc_Arima_Fourier_AIC) + autolayer(log(validation)-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from Regression with ARIMA(0,0,3) errors
## Q* = 50.479, df = 30, p-value = 0.01105
## Model df: 6.   Total lags used: 36
# Bring fc_Arima_Fourier_AIC$mean back through de-trending and de-seasonalizing
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Arima_Fourier_AIC", pred_value = fc_Arima_Fourier_AIC$mean)

ARIMA double season

This arima model uses fourier and the two seasonality periods obtained above.

Arima_AIC <- auto.arima(training_log)
bestfit <- list(aicc=Arima_AIC$aicc, i=0, j=0, fit=Arima_AIC)

fc_ARIMA_fourier<- forecast(Arima_AIC, h = len_dec+len_inv)
autoplot(fc_ARIMA_fourier) +
   autolayer(log(validation)-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 

#choose the best model by AICc
for(i in 1:3) {
  for (j in 1:3){
    z1 <- fourier(ts(training_log, frequency= season1), K=i)
    z2 <- fourier(ts(training_log, frequency= season2), K=j)
    Arima_Seasons1_2 <- auto.arima(training_log, xreg=cbind(z1, z2), seasonal=F)
    if(Arima_Seasons1_2$aicc < bestfit$aicc) {
      bestfit <- list(aicc=Arima_Seasons1_2$aicc, i=i, j=j, Arima_Seasons1_2=Arima_Seasons1_2)
## $aicc
## [1] -466.3026
## $i
## [1] 0
## $j
## [1] 0
## $fit
## Series: training_log 
## ARIMA(5,0,0)(1,0,0)[52] with non-zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##           ar1      ar2      ar3      ar4      ar5     sar1    mean
##       -0.1825  -0.1186  -0.2620  -0.2044  -0.2047  -0.3207  4.2232
## s.e.   0.0732   0.0736   0.0713   0.0729   0.0740   0.0829  0.0019
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.00396:  log likelihood=241.57
## AIC=-467.15   AICc=-466.3   BIC=-441.65
fc_Arima_Seasons1_2 <- forecast(bestfit$fit, 
                 fourier(ts(training_log, frequency=season1), K=bestfit$i, h=len_dec+len_inv),
                 fourier(ts(training_log, frequency=season2), K=bestfit$j, h=len_dec+len_inv)))
## Warning in forecast.Arima(bestfit$fit, xreg =
## cbind(fourier(ts(training_log, : xreg not required by this model, ignoring
## the provided regressors
fc_Arima_Seasons1_2 <- forecast(bestfit$fit, h=len_dec+len_inv)
autoplot(fc_Arima_Seasons1_2) +
   autolayer(validation_log-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab("Logged Quantity Sold of Kitchen Trash Bags")+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from ARIMA(5,0,0)(1,0,0)[52] with non-zero mean
## Q* = 47.693, df = 29, p-value = 0.01581
## Model df: 7.   Total lags used: 36
# Bring fc_ARIMA$mean back through de-trending and de-seasonalizing
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Arima_Seasons1_2", pred_value = fc_Arima_Seasons1_2$mean)


This section generates visualizations of three ARIMA models.

# before de-trending and de-seasoning
autoplot(training_log) +
   autolayer(validation_log-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series="Validation", PI=FALSE)+
             series="Default Arima", PI=FALSE) +
             series="Fourier double seasons", PI=FALSE) +
             series="Fourier single season", PI=FALSE)+
   ggtitle(paste("Forecast for Log Quantity Sold of", item, "\n", country, ": Club", club)) +
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste(item,"\n detrended and de-seasonalized"))+
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type
## 'NULL'
## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: PI

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/ARIMA_log_total_weekly_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)

autoplot(validation_log-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series="Validation")+
             series="Default Arima", PI=FALSE) +
             series="Fourier double seasons", PI=FALSE) +
             series="Fourier single season", PI=FALSE)+
   ggtitle(paste("Forecast for Log Quantity Sold of", item, "\n", country, ": Club", club)) +
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste(item,"\n detrended and de-seasonalized"))+
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type
## 'NULL'

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/ARIMA_log_total_weekly1_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)

decomp_stl<- data.table(Quant = c(t_log, as.numeric(decompose_log$time.series)),
                         Date = rep(c1k_week$TransactionTime[1:(nrow(c1k_week)-len_dec-len_inv)], ncol(decompose_log$time.series)+1),
                         Type = factor(rep(c("original data", colnames(decompose_log$time.series)),
                                       each = nrow(decompose_log$time.series)),
                                       levels = c("original data", colnames(decompose_log$time.series))))

decomp_ARIMA_forecast_log<-data.table(Quant=c(fc_Simple_Arima_1$mean+reseasonal_log+(retrend_log-trend_log[1]), fc_Arima_Seasons1_2$mean+reseasonal_log+(retrend_log-trend_log[1]), fc_Arima_Fourier_AIC$mean+reseasonal_log+(retrend_log-trend_log[1]), reseasonal_log, (retrend_log-trend_log[1]), fc_Simple_Arima_1$mean, fc_Arima_Seasons1_2$mean, fc_Arima_Fourier_AIC$mean), 
                                Date = rep(c1k_week$TransactionTime[(nrow(c1k_week)-len_dec-len_inv+1): nrow(c1k_week)], ncol(decompose_log$time.series)+5), 
                                Type = factor(rep(c(rep("log quantity", 3), colnames(decompose_log$time.series)[1:2], rep(colnames(decompose_log$time.series)[3], 3)),
                                       each = len_dec+len_inv),
                                       levels = c("log quantity", colnames(decompose_log$time.series))))
decomp_ARIMA_forecast_log$set<-rep(c("default arima", "Fourier double seasons", "Fourier single season", "forecast seasonal", "forecast trend", "default arima", "Fourier double seasons", "Fourier single season"), each=len_dec+len_inv)

decomp_ARIMA_combined_log<-rbind(decomp_stl_training_log, decomp_ARIMA_forecast_log)

ggplot(decomp_ARIMA_combined_log, aes(x = Date, y = Quant, col=set)) +
  geom_line() + 
  facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales = "free_y", switch = "y") +
  labs(x = "Time", y = NULL,
       title = "Decomposition by STL (log quantity) and ARIMA predictions") +

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/ARIMA_log_grid_weekly_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)

ggplot(decomp_ARIMA_combined_log[decomp_ARIMA_combined_log$Date>=(max(decomp_ARIMA_combined_log$Date, na.rm = TRUE)-119),], aes(x = Date, y = Quant, col=set)) +
  geom_line() +   facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales = "free_y", switch = "y") +
  labs(x = "Time", y = NULL,
       title = "Decomposition by STL (log quantity) and ARIMA predictions") +

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/ARIMA_log_grid_weekly1_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)


Five TBATS models (Exponential smoothing state space model with Box-Cox transformation, ARMA errors, Trend and Seasonal components) are tried out in these sections. TBATS use a combination of Fourier terms with an exponential smoothing state space model and a Box-Cox transformation. Seasonality is allowed to change slowly over time. ## Feed Raw Data to this model (with seasonality, trend and outliers)

fit_TBATS_Raw_1<- tbats(t_log, = NULL, use.trend = TRUE, use.damped.trend = NULL, seasonal.periods = 52, use.arma.errors = TRUE, biasadj = TRUE)

fc_TBATS_Raw_1<- forecast(fit_TBATS_Raw_1, h=len_dec+len_inv, bootstrap = TRUE) 

autoplot(fc_TBATS_Raw_1) + autolayer(log(validation), series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from TBATS(1, {0,0}, 0.839, {<52,5>})
## Q* = 35.404, df = 19, p-value = 0.01248
## Model df: 17.   Total lags used: 36
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_TBATS_Raw_1", pred_value = fc_TBATS_Raw_1$mean)

TBATS Model with top 1 and 2 seasonal periods

fit_TBATS_Season1_2<- tbats(t_log, = NULL, use.trend = NULL, use.damped.trend = NULL, seasonal.periods = c(season2,season1), use.arma.errors = TRUE, biasadj = TRUE)

fc_TBATS_Season1_2<- forecast(fit_TBATS_Season1_2, h=len_dec+len_inv, bootstrap = TRUE) 
autoplot(fc_TBATS_Season1_2) + autolayer(log(validation), series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from TBATS(1, {0,0}, -, {<25.07,2>, <52.14,5>})
## Q* = 41.218, df = 16, p-value = 0.0005157
## Model df: 20.   Total lags used: 36
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_TBATS_Season1_2", pred_value = fc_TBATS_Season1_2$mean)

TBATS Model with top 2 and 3 seasonal periods

fc_TBATS_Season2_3<- forecast(tbats(t_log, = NULL, use.trend = NULL, use.damped.trend = NULL, seasonal.periods = c(season2,season3), use.arma.errors = TRUE, biasadj = TRUE),h=len_dec+len_inv)  
autoplot(fc_TBATS_Season2_3)+ autolayer(log(validation), series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from TBATS(0.993, {0,0}, -, {<13.14,4>, <52.14,5>})
## Q* = 40.359, df = 11, p-value = 3.106e-05
## Model df: 25.   Total lags used: 36
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_TBATS_Season2_3", pred_value = fc_TBATS_Season2_3$mean)

TBATS Model with top 1 and 3 seasonal periods

fc_TBATS_Season1_3 <- forecast(tbats(t_log, seasonal.periods=c(season1,season3)), h=len_dec+len_inv)  
autoplot(fc_TBATS_Season1_3)+ autolayer(log(validation), series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from BATS(1, {0,0}, 0.8, -)
## Q* = 27.732, df = 31, p-value = 0.635
## Model df: 5.   Total lags used: 36
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_TBATS_Season1_3", pred_value = fc_TBATS_Season1_3$mean)

really simple tbats

fit_TBATS_NoSeason<- tbats(t_log)
fc_TBATS_NoSeason<- forecast(fit_TBATS_NoSeason, h=len_dec+len_inv)
autoplot(fc_TBATS_NoSeason) + autolayer(validation_log)

autoplot(fc_TBATS_NoSeason)+ autolayer(log(validation), series = "TBATS No Season")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   ggtitle(paste("Forecast for Quantity Sold of", item, "\n", country, ": Club", club)) +
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 


##  Ljung-Box test
## data:  Residuals from TBATS(1, {0,0}, -, {<52.14,5>})
## Q* = 40.259, df = 22, p-value = 0.01008
## Model df: 14.   Total lags used: 36
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_TBATS_NoSeason", pred_value = fc_TBATS_NoSeason$mean)


This section generates visualizations of TBATS models.

autoplot(t_log) +
   autolayer(validation_log, series="Validation", PI=FALSE)+
             series="Single Season", PI=FALSE) +
             series=paste("Season", season1, "and", season2), PI=FALSE) +
             series=paste("Season", season2, "and", season3), PI=FALSE) +
             series=paste( "Season", season1, "and", season3), PI=FALSE) +
             series="Season Unspecified", PI=FALSE) +
   ggtitle(paste("Forecast for Logged Quantity Sold of", item, "\n", country, ": Club", club)) +
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste(item, "\n detrended and de-seasonalized"))+
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type
## 'NULL'
## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: PI

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/tbats_log_total_weekly_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)

autoplot(validation_log, series="Validation", PI=FALSE)+
             series="Single Season", PI=FALSE) +
             series=paste("Season", season1, "and", season2), PI=FALSE) +
             series=paste("Season", season2, "and", season3), PI=FALSE) +
             series=paste("Season", season1, "and", season3), PI=FALSE) +
             series="Season Unspecified", PI=FALSE) +
   ggtitle(paste("Forecast for Logged Quantity Sold of", item, "\n", country, ": Club", club)) +
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste(item, "\n detrended and de-seasonalized"))+
## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: PI
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type
## 'NULL'

ggsave("Output/Countries/Colombia/Plots/tbats_log_total_weekly1_c1k.jpg", width = 10, height = 5)

Neural network

Neural Networks (input detrneded and de-seasonalized data)

#In NNAR(p,P,k)m, p = lagged inputs, P = equivalent to ARIMA(p,0,0)(P,0,0)m, k = nods in the single hidden layer.
fit_NN_1<- nnetar(training_log, lambda = "auto")
fc_NN_1<- forecast(fit_NN_1, h=len_dec+len_inv)
autoplot(fc_NN_1) + autolayer(log(validation)-(retrend_log-trend_log[1])-reseasonal_log, series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 

## Warning in modeldf.default(object): Could not find appropriate degrees of
## freedom for this model.

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_dtds(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_NN_1", pred_value = fc_NN_1$mean)

Neural networks (input raw data)

fit_NN_Raw<- nnetar(t_log, lambda = "auto")
fc_NN_Raw<- forecast(fit_NN_Raw, h=len_dec+len_inv)
autoplot(fc_NN_Raw) + autolayer(log(validation), series = "Logged Quantity")+
   xlab("Year") + ylab(paste("Logged Quantity Sold of", item))+
   guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Validation Set")) 

## Warning in modeldf.default(object): Could not find appropriate degrees of
## freedom for this model.

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "fc_NN_Raw", pred_value = fc_NN_Raw$mean)

Combination of Uni-variate Forecasts

The combined uni-variate model is the average of four models. Two were selected by RMSE on the whole forecast period; two were selected by RMSE on the target (len_dec) period.

Summarize performance of uni_variate models

tsmodels<-c("Average_Method","Naive_Method","Seasonal_Naive_Method","Drift_Method","Simple_Arima_1","Arima_Seasons1_2", "Arima_Fourier_AIC","fc_TBATS_Raw_1","fc_TBATS_Season1_2","fc_TBATS_Season2_3","fc_TBATS_Season1_3","fc_TBATS_NoSeason","fc_NN_1","fc_NN_Raw", "Combination_uni")
indices<-c("MEAN", "RMSE", "MAE", "MPE", "MAPE", "MASE")
performance_week_total<-matrix(nrow = length(tsmodels), ncol = length(indices))
for (i in 1:length(tsmodels)){
  for (j in 1:length(indices)){
    performance_week_total[i, j]=get(paste0(indices[j], "_", tsmodels[i], "_total"))
write.csv(x = performance_week_total, file = "Output/Countries/Colombia/Tables/performance_week_total_c1k.csv")
##                               MEAN     RMSE      MAE        MPE       MAPE
## Average_Method        -0.020359307 4.833933 3.746772 -2.0764580 0.07392996
## Naive_Method           0.002463138 4.719307 3.766251  0.2474523 0.07262466
## Seasonal_Naive_Method -0.012450268 6.431938 5.161395 -1.9912521 0.09975956
## Drift_Method           0.004792085 4.748761 3.812052  0.4743401 0.07335596
## Simple_Arima_1        -0.021062445 5.609997 4.202171 -2.3537557 0.08377475
## Arima_Seasons1_2      -0.021062445 5.609997 4.202171 -2.3537557 0.08377475
## Arima_Fourier_AIC     -0.022711766 4.865470 3.802633 -2.3236902 0.07524264
## fc_TBATS_Raw_1         0.033113569 5.098434 3.993996  3.0269435 0.07284353
## fc_TBATS_Season1_2     0.069408055 8.490606 6.905108  5.4652057 0.11937853
## fc_TBATS_Season2_3     0.031278442 4.999765 3.970225  2.9409067 0.07325741
## fc_TBATS_Season1_3     0.030605925 5.215859 4.336095  2.9209483 0.08138486
## fc_TBATS_NoSeason      0.035945294 5.389188 4.223400  3.2654544 0.07728402
## fc_NN_1               -0.016187900 5.777606 4.593613 -2.0072220 0.09139242
## fc_NN_Raw             -0.025775581 3.765815 2.922250 -2.9640275 0.05969052
## Combination_uni        0.009642981 3.956677 3.332475  1.0339777 0.06345847
##                            MASE
## Average_Method        0.6607378
## Naive_Method          0.6641730
## Seasonal_Naive_Method 0.9102046
## Drift_Method          0.6722498
## Simple_Arima_1        0.7410467
## Arima_Seasons1_2      0.7410467
## Arima_Fourier_AIC     0.6705889
## fc_TBATS_Raw_1        0.7043355
## fc_TBATS_Season1_2    1.2177058
## fc_TBATS_Season2_3    0.7001434
## fc_TBATS_Season1_3    0.7646640
## fc_TBATS_NoSeason     0.7447904
## fc_NN_1               0.8100770
## fc_NN_Raw             0.5153346
## Combination_uni       0.5876771
performance_week_target<-matrix(nrow = length(tsmodels), ncol = length(indices))
for (i in 1:length(tsmodels)){
  for (j in 1:length(indices)){
    performance_week_target[i, j]=get(paste0(indices[j], "_", tsmodels[i], "_target"))
write.csv(x = performance_week_total, file = "Output/Countries/Colombia/Tables/performance_week_target_c1k.csv")

Machine learning setup

This part of the code is based on this site Feature engineering functions defined in section “Define functions” are applied to both level and log forms (for some) of variables

# feature engineering 
c1k_week$log1p_transaction_avrg<-log1p(c1k_week$transaction_avrg) #
c1k_week$log1p_members_avrg<-log1p(c1k_week$members_avrg) #
c1k_week$log1p_sales_local_avrg<-log1p(c1k_week$sales_local_avrg) #
c1k_week$log1p_sales_usd_avrg<-log1p(c1k_week$sales_usd_avrg) #
c1k_week$log1p_category_sales_local_avrg<-log1p(c1k_week$category_sales_local_avrg) #
c1k_week$log1p_quantity_avrg<-log1p(c1k_week$quantity_avrg) #
c1k_week$log1p_category_sales_local_avrg<- log1p(c1k_week$category_sales_local_avrg)
c1k_week$log1p_category_quantity_avrg<- log1p(c1k_week$category_quantity_avrg)
c1k_week$log1p_salePrice_local_avrg<- log1p(c1k_week$salePrice_local_avrg)
c1k_week$log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg<- log1p(c1k_week$salePrice_usd_avrg)

t_v_c1k<- t_v_c1k[order(t_v_c1k$TransactionTime),]%>%ungroup()
t_v_c1k<- feature_engineering(t_v_c1k, c("quantity_avrg", "transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg","salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg","log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg"))
# creating training matrix
t_v_c1k<- fastDummies::dummy_cols(t_v_c1k, select_columns = c("week_number_year", "week_number", "month"))

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-data.frame(Actual=train_c1k$quantity_avrg, TransactionTime=train_c1k$TransactionTime)

XGB model

trainc1k_XGB<-train_c1k%>%select(-c("transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg","salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg", "log1p_transaction_avrg", "log1p_members_avrg", "log1p_sales_local_avrg", "log1p_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_category_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_quantity_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg","TransactionTime"))
testc1k_XGB<-test_c1k%>%select(-c("transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg","salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg", "log1p_transaction_avrg", "log1p_members_avrg", "log1p_sales_local_avrg", "log1p_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_category_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_quantity_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg","TransactionTime"))

trainTask <- makeRegrTask(data = trainc1k_XGB, target = "quantity_avrg")
testTask <- makeRegrTask(data = testc1k_XGB, target = "quantity_avrg")

xgb_learner <- makeLearner(
  predict.type = "response",
  par.vals = list(
    objective = "reg:linear",
    eval_metric = "rmse",
    nrounds = 200
## Warning in makeParam(id = id, type = "numeric", learner.param = TRUE, lower = lower, : NA used as a default value for learner parameter missing.
## ParamHelpers uses NA as a special value for dependent parameters.
# Create a model
xgb_model <- mlr::train(xgb_learner, task = trainTask)

xgb_params <- makeParamSet(
  # The number of trees in the model (each one built sequentially)
  makeIntegerParam("nrounds", lower = 100, upper = 500),
  # number of splits in each tree
  makeIntegerParam("max_depth", lower = 1, upper = 10),
  # "shrinkage" - prevents overfitting
  makeNumericParam("eta", lower = .1, upper = .5),
  # L2 regularization - prevents overfitting
  makeNumericParam("lambda", lower = -1, upper = 0, trafo = function(x) 10^x)
control <- makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = 1)
resample_desc <- makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 10)
tuned_params <- tuneParams(
  learner = xgb_learner,
  task = trainTask,
  resampling = resample_desc,
  par.set = xgb_params,
  control = control
## [Tune] Started tuning learner regr.xgboost for parameter set:
##              Type len Def     Constr Req Tunable Trafo
## nrounds   integer   -   - 100 to 500   -    TRUE     -
## max_depth integer   -   -    1 to 10   -    TRUE     -
## eta       numeric   -   - 0.1 to 0.5   -    TRUE     -
## lambda    numeric   -   -    -1 to 0   -    TRUE     Y
## With control class: TuneControlRandom
## Imputation value: Inf
## [Tune-x] 1: nrounds=332; max_depth=5; eta=0.308; lambda=0.789
## [Tune-y] 1: mse.test.mean=49.4681514; time: 0.6 min
## [Tune] Result: nrounds=332; max_depth=5; eta=0.308; lambda=0.789 : mse.test.mean=49.4681514
xgb_tuned_learner <- setHyperPars(
  learner = xgb_learner,
  par.vals = tuned_params$x
xgb_model <- mlr::train(xgb_tuned_learner, trainTask)
XGBoost_pred <- predict(xgb_model ,testTask)
XGBoost_pred_train <- predict(xgb_model ,trainTask)

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "XGBoost_train", pred_value = log(XGBoost_pred_train$data$response[rowSums(]))
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "XGBoost", pred_value = log(XGBoost_pred$data$response))

Random Forest 1

This section uses very simple pre-set parameters (ntree = 1000, mtry = 3, nodesize = 5, importance = TRUE) in the randomForecast function.

trainc1k_RF<-train_c1k%>%select(-c("transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg","salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg", "log1p_transaction_avrg", "log1p_members_avrg", "log1p_sales_local_avrg", "log1p_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_category_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_quantity_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg","TransactionTime"))
testc1k_RF<-test_c1k%>%select(-c("transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg","salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg", "log1p_transaction_avrg", "log1p_members_avrg", "log1p_sales_local_avrg", "log1p_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_category_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_quantity_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg","TransactionTime"))

RF_1 <- randomForest(quantity_avrg ~. , data = trainc1k_RF,
                     ntree = 1000, mtry = 3, nodesize = 5, importance = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)

varImpPlot(RF_1, main = "Variable importance")

RF1_pred<-predict(RF_1, testc1k_RF)

RF1_pred_training<- predict(RF_1, trainc1k_RF) 

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "RF1_train", pred_value = log(RF1_pred_training[rowSums(]))
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "RF_1", pred_value = log(RF1_pred))

Random Forest 2

Parameters of Random Forest model are set through grid search. Best model is built using the caret package.

#Defining the Control
trControl<- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, search = "grid")
metric <- "RMSE"
seed<- set.seed(156230)

Step 1 Run a Default model

rf_default<- caret::train(quantity_avrg~ .
                                   , data = trainc1k_RF
                   , method = "rf", metric = "RMSE", trControl = trControl, na.action=na.exclude)
## Random Forest 
## 179 samples
## 249 predictors
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 112, 111, 112, 110, 112, 112, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##     2   6.577128  0.3300550  4.983390
##   125   6.433182  0.3113334  4.916035
##   249   6.414178  0.3104555  4.915300
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 249.
#RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.

Step 2 Search best mtry

#mtry is the number of variables available for splitting at each tree node
#our train_c1k_RF has 250 total variables
tuneGrid<- expand.grid(.mtry = seq(1, ncol(trainc1k_RF), by=5))
rf_mtry<- caret::train(quantity_avrg ~ ., 
                   data = trainc1k_RF, 
                method = "rf", metric = "RMSE", tuneGrid = tuneGrid, trControl = trControl, importance = TRUE, na.action=na.exclude)
## Random Forest 
## 179 samples
## 249 predictors
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 112, 112, 112, 110, 112, 111, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##     1   6.853779  0.2796867  5.153571
##     6   6.450934  0.3090172  4.916242
##    11   6.345750  0.3251419  4.839104
##    16   6.372442  0.3122920  4.911708
##    21   6.356963  0.3205633  4.881006
##    26   6.366742  0.3226834  4.911689
##    31   6.362120  0.3185732  4.914679
##    36   6.365110  0.3154758  4.928504
##    41   6.365519  0.3118460  4.919150
##    46   6.405941  0.3112151  5.017704
##    51   6.373639  0.3238092  4.938800
##    56   6.374798  0.3174350  4.944653
##    61   6.399254  0.3138854  4.958984
##    66   6.357039  0.3193396  4.932255
##    71   6.394708  0.3092921  4.947357
##    76   6.392910  0.3119114  4.962904
##    81   6.387796  0.3129558  4.951709
##    86   6.387421  0.3088907  4.956551
##    91   6.374528  0.3180524  4.929859
##    96   6.355079  0.3231717  4.937847
##   101   6.402078  0.3052011  5.013015
##   106   6.397618  0.3171980  4.973375
##   111   6.389174  0.3194880  4.974468
##   116   6.478571  0.2965595  5.063439
##   121   6.410886  0.3072056  4.994746
##   126   6.415241  0.3092700  4.981548
##   131   6.414486  0.3133749  4.980930
##   136   6.465822  0.3000802  5.037734
##   141   6.442024  0.3006910  5.040200
##   146   6.439953  0.3044826  5.022418
##   151   6.390621  0.3133707  4.954877
##   156   6.376466  0.3181501  4.959407
##   161   6.490105  0.3008532  5.037873
##   166   6.420718  0.3082612  5.016268
##   171   6.422606  0.3158441  4.983817
##   176   6.422668  0.3043746  4.977810
##   181   6.436667  0.3073578  5.024373
##   186   6.465638  0.2971367  5.017007
##   191   6.416872  0.3046683  5.010734
##   196   6.431821  0.3022203  4.990068
##   201   6.433151  0.3029956  4.989908
##   206   6.455220  0.3017746  5.026499
##   211   6.441186  0.3028676  5.031627
##   216   6.411212  0.3155633  4.988758
##   221   6.439576  0.3036548  5.003008
##   226   6.469974  0.2963298  5.069123
##   231   6.466944  0.2962559  5.029585
##   236   6.464776  0.2966221  5.037645
##   241   6.439377  0.3004673  5.006935
##   246   6.437850  0.3026709  5.011037
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 11.
#RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.

best_mtry<- rf_mtry$bestTune$mtry #store the best value for mtry
## [1] 6.34575

Step 3 Search Best Maxnodes

store_maxnode<- list()  # create a list to find the optimal max of nodes
tuneGrid<- expand.grid(.mtry= best_mtry)
for (maxnodes in c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70)){
   rf_maxnode<- caret::train(quantity_avrg ~ ., 
                   data = trainc1k_RF, 
                   method = "rf", metric = "RMSE", tuneGrid = tuneGrid, trControl = trControl, importance = TRUE, maxnodes = maxnodes, nodesize = 4, na.action = na.exclude)
   current_iteration<- toString(maxnodes)
   store_maxnode[[current_iteration]]<- rf_maxnode
## Warning in nominalTrainWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info =
## trainInfo, : There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
results_node<- resamples(store_maxnode)

Step 4 Search the best ntrees

store_maxtrees <- list()
for (ntree in c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 , 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700)) {
    rf_maxtrees <- caret::train(quantity_avrg ~ ., 
                   data = trainc1k_RF,
        method = "rf",
        metric = "RMSE",
        tuneGrid = tuneGrid,
        trControl = trControl,
        importance = TRUE,
        maxnodes = nnode_optimal,
        ntree = ntree,
        na.action = na.exclude)
    key <- toString(ntree)
    store_maxtrees[[key]] <- rf_maxtrees
results_tree <- resamples(store_maxtrees)

Step 5 Run model with the best specifications found above

fit_rf<- caret::train(quantity_avrg ~ ., 
                   data = trainc1k_RF,
        method = "rf",
        metric = "RMSE",
        tuneGrid = tuneGrid,
        trControl = trControl,
        importance = TRUE,
        maxnodes = nnode_optimal,
        ntree = ntrees_optimal,
        na.action = na.exclude)

## Random Forest 
## 179 samples
## 249 predictors
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 111, 112, 111, 112, 112, 112, ... 
## Resampling results:
##   RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##   6.484887  0.3266407  4.959018
## Tuning parameter 'mtry' was held constant at a value of 11

Step 6 Evaluate Model

pred_rf2<- predict(fit_rf,test_c1k, predict.all = TRUE)
pred_rf2_train<- predict(fit_rf,train_c1k, predict.all = FALSE)
pred_rf2_train<-merge(data.frame(week=1:nrow(train_c1k)), data.frame(week=pred_rf2_train%>%names(), pred=pred_rf2_train), all.x = TRUE)

# Visualize Results

pred_rf2_dt<- data.table(Predicted_Quantity = pred_rf2, TransactionTime = test_c1k$TransactionTime)

ggplot() +
 geom_line(pred_rf2_dt, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, Predicted_Quantity,color = "Predicted Quantity"))+
 geom_line(test_c1k, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, quantity_avrg, color = "Actual Quantity"))+
 labs(x = "Time", y = "Quantity", title = paste("Random Forest","\nQuantity Sold of", item, "\n",country, ": Club", club)) +
 scale_color_manual(values = c("Predicted Quantity" = 'darkblue', "Actual Quantity" = 'red')) 

## rf variable importance
##   only 20 most important variables shown (out of 249)
##                                        Overall
## month_12                                100.00
## lag_52_quantity_avrg                     98.69
## lag_52_category_sales_local_avrg         95.07
## avg_18_salePrice_local_avrg              94.17
## lag_52_sales_local_avrg                  92.65
## avg_52_sales_local_avrg                  90.38
## avg_52_log1p_category_sales_local_avrg   90.02
## lag_18_log1p_salePrice_local_avrg        86.03
## lag_52_log1p_category_sales_local_avrg   85.33
## lag_52_log1p_quantity_avrg               85.24
## avg_52_log1p_quantity_avrg               85.23
## avg_18_log1p_salePrice_local_avrg        83.88
## lag_52_transaction_avrg                  82.18
## avg_52_exchange_rate_avrg                79.11
## avg_52_quantity_avrg                     78.84
## lag_52_members_avrg                      75.75
## lag_18_salePrice_local_avrg              71.64
## avg_52_members_avrg                      71.10
## avg_52_category_sales_local_avrg         67.88
## diff_18_log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg         67.16
plot(varImp(fit_rf)) #variable of importance

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "RF2_train", pred_value = log(pred_rf2_train$pred[rowSums(]))

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "RF_2", pred_value = log(pred_rf2))

Random Forest 3

Random Forest 3 model uses optimal parameters tuned in Random Forest 2 model, but with randomForest function in randomForest package.

RF_3<- randomForest(quantity_avrg ~ ., 
                   data = trainc1k_RF,
        mtry = best_mtry,
        importance = TRUE,
        maxnodes = nnode_optimal,
        ntree = ntrees_optimal,
        na.action = na.exclude)

pred_rf3 <- predict(RF_3, test_c1k)
pred_rf3<- data.table(Predicted_Quantity = pred_rf3, TransactionTime = test_c1k$TransactionTime)
pred_rf3_train <- predict(RF_3, train_c1k)

ggplot() +
 geom_line(pred_rf3, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, Predicted_Quantity,color = "Predicted Quantity"))+
 geom_line(test_c1k, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, quantity_avrg, color = "Actual Quantity"))+
 labs(x = "Time", y = "Quantity", title = "Random Forest forecasts")  +
 scale_color_manual(values = c("Predicted Quantity" = 'darkblue', "Actual Quantity" = 'red')) 

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "RF3_train", pred_value = log(pred_rf3_train[rowSums(]))
c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "RF_3", pred_value = log(pred_rf3$Predicted_Quantity))

Linear regressions: prepare datasets

#GLMNET does not use the formula method (y ~ x). So prior to modeling we need to create our feature and target set.

train_c1k_GLMNET<-drop_na(train_c1k%>%select(-c("transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg", "salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg", "log1p_transaction_avrg", "log1p_members_avrg", "log1p_sales_local_avrg",  "log1p_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_category_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_quantity_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg", "TransactionTime")))
test_c1k_GLMNET<-drop_na(test_c1k%>%select(-c("transaction_avrg", "members_avrg", "sales_local_avrg", "exchange_rate_avrg", "sales_usd_avrg", "category_sales_local_avrg", "category_sales_usd_avrg", "category_quantity_avrg", "salePrice_local_avrg","salePrice_usd_avrg", "log1p_quantity_avrg", "log1p_transaction_avrg", "log1p_members_avrg", "log1p_sales_local_avrg",  "log1p_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_sales_local_avrg","log1p_category_sales_usd_avrg", "log1p_category_quantity_avrg","log1p_salePrice_local_avrg","log1p_salePrice_usd_avrg", "TransactionTime")))

y_train<- data.matrix(train_c1k_GLMNET["quantity_avrg"])
x_train<-data.matrix(subset(train_c1k_GLMNET, select=-c(quantity_avrg)))

y_test<- data.matrix(test_c1k_GLMNET["quantity_avrg"])
x_test<-data.matrix(subset(test_c1k_GLMNET, select=-c(quantity_avrg)))


#Ridge is performed with alpha=0

ridge <- glmnet(x_train,y_train,alpha = 0)

plot(ridge, xvar = "lambda")

ridge$lambda %>% head()
## [1] 4198.643 4007.808 3825.647 3651.765 3485.787 3327.352
#Tuning to find the right value for lamda 
ridge_cv <- cv.glmnet(x_train,y_train,alpha = 0)

# as we constrain our coefficients with log ( λ ) ≥ 0 penalty, the MSE rises considerably. The numbers at the top of the plot just refer to the number of variables in the model. Ridge regression does not force any variables to exactly zero so all features will remain in the model 

#The first and second vertical dashed lines represent the λ value with the minimum MSE and the largest  λ value within one standard error of the minimum MSE. 
#extract our minimum and one standard error MSE and λ values
min(ridge_cv$cvm) #minimum MSE
## [1] 44.43904
ridge_cv$lambda.min #lambda for this minimum MSE
## [1] 46.08005
ridge_cv$cvm[ridge_cv$lambda == ridge_cv$lambda.1se]  # 1 st.error of min MSE
## [1] 52.9557
ridge_cv$lambda.1se  # lambda for this MSE
## [1] 542.2756
ridge_min <- glmnet(x_train,y_train, alpha = 0)
plot(ridge_min, xvar = "lambda")
abline(v = log(ridge_cv$lambda.1se), col = "red", lty = "dashed")

#Most Influential Feautures to predict accuracy
coef(ridge_cv, s = "lambda.1se") %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(row != "(Intercept)") %>%
  top_n(10, wt = abs(value)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(value, reorder(row, value), color = value > 0)) +
  geom_point(show.legend = FALSE) +
  ggtitle("Influential variables") +
  xlab("Coefficient") +
## Warning: 'tidy.dgCMatrix' is deprecated.
## See help("Deprecated")
## Warning: 'tidy.dgTMatrix' is deprecated.
## See help("Deprecated")

## [1] 44.43904
#Ridge model will retain all variables. Therefore, a ridge model is good only if we believe that we need to retain all features in the model yet reduce the noise that less influential variable smay create and minimize collinearity. Ridge doesn't perform feature selection 

ridge_pred<- predict(ridge_cv, s=ridge_cv$lambda.1se, x_test, type = "response")
ridge_pred_train<-predict(ridge_cv, s=ridge_cv$lambda.1se, x_train, type = "response")
ridge_pred_train<-merge(data.frame(week=1:nrow(train_c1k)), data.frame(week=ridge_pred_train%>%rownames()%>%as.numeric(), pred=ridge_pred_train), all.x = TRUE)
colnames(ridge_pred_train)<-c("week", "pred")
pred_ridge<- data.frame(Predicted_Quantity = ridge_pred, TransactionTime = test_c1k$TransactionTime)
colnames(pred_ridge)<-c("Predicted_Quantity", "TransactionTime")
ggplot() +
 geom_line(pred_ridge, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, Predicted_Quantity, color = "Predicted Quantity"))+
 geom_line(test_c1k, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, quantity_avrg, color = "Actual Quantity"))+
 labs(x = "Time", y = "Quantity", title = "Ridge") + scale_color_manual(values = c("Predicted Quantity" = 'darkblue', "Actual Quantity" = 'red')) 

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "Ridge_train", pred_value = log((ridge_pred_train[rowSums(,])%>%select(pred)%>%unlist()))

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Ridge", pred_value = log(ridge_pred))


lasso <- glmnet(x_train,y_train,alpha = 1)

plot(lasso, xvar = "lambda")

#Tuning to find the right value for lambda 
lasso_cv <- cv.glmnet(x_train,y_train,alpha = 1)

#extract our minimum and one standard error MSE and λ values
min(lasso_cv$cvm) #minimum MSE
## [1] 42.48352
lasso_cv$lambda.min #lambda for this minimum MSE
## [1] 1.141438
lasso_cv$cvm[lasso_cv$lambda == lasso_cv$lambda.1se]  # 1 st.error of min MSE
## [1] 48.77975
lasso_cv$lambda.1se  # lambda for this MSE
## [1] 2.63687
lasso_min <- glmnet(x_train,y_train, alpha = 1)
plot(lasso_min, xvar = "lambda")
abline(v = log(lasso_cv$lambda.min), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
abline(v = log(lasso_cv$lambda.1se), col = "red", lty = "dashed")

#Most Influential Feautures to predict accuracy
coef(lasso_cv, s = "lambda.1se") %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(row != "(Intercept)") %>%
  ggplot(aes(value, reorder(row, value), color = value > 0)) +
  geom_point(show.legend = FALSE) +
  ggtitle("Influential variables") +
  xlab("Coefficient") +
## Warning: 'tidy.dgCMatrix' is deprecated.
## See help("Deprecated")
## Warning: 'tidy.dgTMatrix' is deprecated.
## See help("Deprecated")

#Minimum RIDGE MSE
## [1] 44.43904
#minimum LASSO MSE 
## [1] 42.48352
lasso_pred<- predict(lasso, s=lasso_cv$lambda.min, x_test, type = "response")
lasso_pred_train<-predict(lasso, s=lasso_cv$lambda.min, x_train, type = "response")
results_train<-merge(data.frame(week=1:nrow(train_c1k)), data.frame(week=lasso_pred_train%>%rownames()%>%as.numeric(), pred=lasso_pred_train), all.x = TRUE)
colnames(results_train)<-c("week", "pred")
pred_lasso<- data.table(Predicted_Quantity = lasso_pred, TransactionTime = test_c1k$TransactionTime)
colnames(pred_lasso)<-c("Predicted_Quantity", "TransactionTime")
ggplot() +
 geom_line(pred_lasso, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, Predicted_Quantity, color = "Predicted Quantity"))+
 geom_line(test_c1k, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, quantity_avrg, color = "Actual Quantity"))+
 labs(x = "Time", y = "Quantity", title = "Lasso") + scale_color_manual(values = c("Predicted Quantity" = 'darkblue', "Actual Quantity" = 'red')) 

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "Lasso_train", pred_value = log(lasso_pred_train[rowSums(]))

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Lasso", pred_value = log(lasso_pred))

Elastic Net

This part of the code is based on this site

#Tune λ and the alpha parameters.
# maintain the same folds across all models
fold_id <- sample(1:10, size = length(y_train), replace=TRUE)

# search across a range of alphas
tuning_grid <- tibble::tibble(
  alpha      = seq(0, 1, by = .1),
  mse_min    = NA,
  mse_1se    = NA,
  lambda_min = NA,
  lambda_1se = NA

#Now we can iterate over each alpha value, apply a CV elastic net, and extract the minimum and one standard error MSE values and their respective λ values.
for(i in seq_along(tuning_grid$alpha)) {
  # fit CV model for each alpha value
  fit <- cv.glmnet(x_train, y_train, alpha = tuning_grid$alpha[i], foldid = fold_id)
  # extract MSE and lambda values
  tuning_grid$mse_min[i]    <- fit$cvm[fit$lambda == fit$lambda.min]
  tuning_grid$mse_1se[i]    <- fit$cvm[fit$lambda == fit$lambda.1se]
  tuning_grid$lambda_min[i] <- fit$lambda.min
  tuning_grid$lambda_1se[i] <- fit$lambda.1se

## # A tibble: 11 x 5
##    alpha mse_min mse_1se lambda_min lambda_1se
##    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1   0      43.3    51.6      44.0      341.  
##  2   0.1    43.3    51.5       7.51      21.9 
##  3   0.2    43.1    51.3       4.32      12.0 
##  4   0.3    43.0    51.2       3.80       8.39
##  5   0.4    42.7    51.4       2.85       6.59
##  6   0.5    42.5    50.8       2.39       5.27
##  7   0.6    42.3    51.1       1.99       4.60
##  8   0.7    42.2    50.7       1.71       3.95
##  9   0.8    42.1    50.4       1.49       3.45
## 10   0.9    42.0    50.1       1.39       3.07
## 11   1      42.0    50.7       1.25       2.89
#plot the MSE 
elastic_tuning<-tuning_grid %>%mutate(se = mse_1se - mse_min)

  ggplot(aes(alpha, mse_min)) +
  geom_line(size = 2) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = mse_min + se, ymin = mse_min - se), alpha = .25) +
  ggtitle("MSE ± one standard error")

#advantage of the elastic net model is that it enables effective regularization via the ridge penalty with the feature selection characteristics of the lasso penalty

elastic_cv<-cv.glmnet(x_train,y_train,alpha = alpha_optimal)

elastic_pred<- predict(elastic_cv, s=elastic_cv$lambda.1se, x_test, type = "response")
elastic_pred_train<- predict(elastic_cv, s=elastic_cv$lambda.1se, x_train, type = "response")
results_train<-merge(data.frame(week=1:nrow(train_c1k)), data.frame(week=elastic_pred_train%>%rownames()%>%as.numeric(), pred=elastic_pred_train), all.x = TRUE)
colnames(results_train)<-c("week", "pred")
pred_elastic_cv<- data.table(Predicted_Quantity = elastic_pred, TransactionTime = test_c1k$TransactionTime)
colnames(pred_elastic_cv)<-c("Predicted_Quantity", "TransactionTime")

ggplot() +
 geom_line(pred_elastic_cv, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, Predicted_Quantity, color = "Predicted Quantity"))+
 geom_line(test_c1k, mapping = aes(TransactionTime, quantity_avrg, color = "Actual Quantity"))+
 labs(x = "Time", y = "Quantity", title = "Elastic Net") + scale_color_manual(values = c("Predicted Quantity" = 'darkblue', "Actual Quantity" = 'red'))

c1k_week_quantity_models_train<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models_train, pred_name = "elastic_train", pred_value = log(elastic_pred_train[rowSums(]))

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "elastic", pred_value = log(elastic_pred))

Combination of machine learning models

# Best two models with total prediction
tsmodels<-c("Average_Method","Naive_Method","Seasonal_Naive_Method","Drift_Method","Simple_Arima_1","Arima_Seasons1_2", "Arima_Fourier_AIC","fc_TBATS_Raw_1","fc_TBATS_Season1_2","fc_TBATS_Season2_3","fc_TBATS_Season1_3","fc_TBATS_NoSeason","fc_NN_1","fc_NN_Raw")
tsmodels_ml<-c("XGBoost", "RF_1", "RF_2","RF_3", "Ridge", "Lasso", "elastic")
best_two_total_ml<-tsmodels_ml[rank(mget(paste0("RMSE_", tsmodels_ml, "_total"))%>%as.numeric())<=2]
# Best two models with target
best_two_target_ml<-tsmodels_ml[rank(mget(paste0("RMSE_", tsmodels_ml, "_target"))%>%as.numeric())<=2]

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Combination_ml", pred_value = log(Combination_ml))

Combining best traditional and machine learning models

The final predictive model Combination_uni_ml is the average of four models. Two are best univariate models, selected by whole forecast period RMSE. Two are best machine learning models. selected by whole forecast period RMSE.

# Best two models with total prediction
best_two_total<-tsmodels[rank(mget(paste0("RMSE_", tsmodels, "_total"))%>%as.numeric())<=2]

c1k_week_quantity_models<-performance_index_raw(df_Actual = c1k_week_quantity_models, pred_name = "Combination_uni_ml", pred_value = log(Combination_uni_ml))
## [1] "Naive_Method" "fc_NN_Raw"
tsmodels<-c("Average_Method","Naive_Method","Seasonal_Naive_Method","Drift_Method","Simple_Arima_1","Arima_Seasons1_2", "Arima_Fourier_AIC","fc_TBATS_Raw_1","fc_TBATS_Season1_2","fc_TBATS_Season2_3","fc_TBATS_Season1_3","fc_TBATS_NoSeason","fc_NN_1","fc_NN_Raw", "Combination_uni")

## [1] "RF_2" "RF_3"

Summarize performance of current models

tsmodels_ml<-c("XGBoost", "RF_1", "RF_2","RF_3", "Ridge", "Lasso", "elastic", "Combination_ml", "Combination_uni_ml")
indices<-c("MEAN", "RMSE", "MAE", "MPE", "MAPE", "MASE")
performance_week_total_ml<-matrix(nrow = length(tsmodels_ml), ncol = length(indices))
for (i in 1:length(tsmodels_ml)){
  for (j in 1:length(indices)){
    performance_week_total_ml[i, j]=get(paste0(indices[j], "_", tsmodels_ml[i], "_total"))
write.csv(x = performance_week_total_ml, file = "Output/Countries/Colombia/Tables/performance_week_total_ml_c1k.csv")

performance_week_target_ml<-matrix(nrow = length(tsmodels_ml), ncol = length(indices))
for (i in 1:length(tsmodels_ml)){
  for (j in 1:length(indices)){
    performance_week_target_ml[i, j]=get(paste0(indices[j], "_", tsmodels_ml[i], "_target"))
write.csv(x = performance_week_target_ml, file = "Output/Countries/Colombia/Tables/performance_week_target_ml_c1k.csv")

Summary: performance of univariate and machine learning modelsormance_week_target

Four tables below summarized performance of all models.

# Univariate models, total forecast period
##                               MEAN     RMSE      MAE        MPE       MAPE
## Average_Method        -0.020359307 4.833933 3.746772 -2.0764580 0.07392996
## Naive_Method           0.002463138 4.719307 3.766251  0.2474523 0.07262466
## Seasonal_Naive_Method -0.012450268 6.431938 5.161395 -1.9912521 0.09975956
## Drift_Method           0.004792085 4.748761 3.812052  0.4743401 0.07335596
## Simple_Arima_1        -0.021062445 5.609997 4.202171 -2.3537557 0.08377475
## Arima_Seasons1_2      -0.021062445 5.609997 4.202171 -2.3537557 0.08377475
## Arima_Fourier_AIC     -0.022711766 4.865470 3.802633 -2.3236902 0.07524264
## fc_TBATS_Raw_1         0.033113569 5.098434 3.993996  3.0269435 0.07284353
## fc_TBATS_Season1_2     0.069408055 8.490606 6.905108  5.4652057 0.11937853
## fc_TBATS_Season2_3     0.031278442 4.999765 3.970225  2.9409067 0.07325741
## fc_TBATS_Season1_3     0.030605925 5.215859 4.336095  2.9209483 0.08138486
## fc_TBATS_NoSeason      0.035945294 5.389188 4.223400  3.2654544 0.07728402
## fc_NN_1               -0.016187900 5.777606 4.593613 -2.0072220 0.09139242
## fc_NN_Raw             -0.025775581 3.765815 2.922250 -2.9640275 0.05969052
## Combination_uni        0.009642981 3.956677 3.332475  1.0339777 0.06345847
##                            MASE
## Average_Method        0.6607378
## Naive_Method          0.6641730
## Seasonal_Naive_Method 0.9102046
## Drift_Method          0.6722498
## Simple_Arima_1        0.7410467
## Arima_Seasons1_2      0.7410467
## Arima_Fourier_AIC     0.6705889
## fc_TBATS_Raw_1        0.7043355
## fc_TBATS_Season1_2    1.2177058
## fc_TBATS_Season2_3    0.7001434
## fc_TBATS_Season1_3    0.7646640
## fc_TBATS_NoSeason     0.7447904
## fc_NN_1               0.8100770
## fc_NN_Raw             0.5153346
## Combination_uni       0.5876771
# Machine learning models, total forecast period
##                           MEAN     RMSE      MAE      MPE       MAPE
## XGBoost            0.048510998 5.626334 4.911172 4.156918 0.09195722
## RF_1               0.019801755 4.087474 3.432258 2.015122 0.06503999
## RF_2               0.023084600 3.888526 3.338107 2.332280 0.06312015
## RF_3               0.024888692 3.935571 3.411089 2.490672 0.06443311
## Ridge              0.035370538 4.885089 4.077782 3.441112 0.07604120
## Lasso              0.030905393 4.415237 3.779878 2.947682 0.07149839
## elastic            0.041741558 4.663642 3.919572 4.059648 0.07259127
## Combination_ml     0.025941844 4.013226 3.455157 2.576297 0.06529962
## Combination_uni_ml 0.006165212 3.505992 3.014320 0.702622 0.05791517
##                         MASE
## XGBoost            0.8660780
## RF_1               0.6052737
## RF_2               0.5886703
## RF_3               0.6015406
## Ridge              0.7191109
## Lasso              0.6665760
## elastic            0.6912108
## Combination_ml     0.6093119
## Combination_uni_ml 0.5315709
# Univariate models, traget period
##                              MEAN      RMSE       MAE         MPE
## Average_Method        -0.05143811 2.7467953 2.7467953  -5.4227473
## Naive_Method          -0.02933970 1.5667402 1.5667402  -3.0226542
## Seasonal_Naive_Method -0.03796111 2.0271232 2.0271232  -3.9459016
## Drift_Method          -0.02506247 1.3383359 1.3383359  -2.5706745
## Simple_Arima_1        -0.04277011 2.2839241 2.2839241  -4.4681132
## Arima_Seasons1_2      -0.04277011 2.2839241 2.2839241  -4.4681132
## Arima_Fourier_AIC     -0.05461870 2.9166388 2.9166388  -5.7774259
## fc_TBATS_Raw_1        -0.04970521 2.6542584 2.6542584  -5.2305047
## fc_TBATS_Season1_2    -0.10359853 5.5321613 5.5321613 -11.5571570
## fc_TBATS_Season2_3     0.01746351 0.9325514 0.9325514   1.7163769
## fc_TBATS_Season1_3     0.00919202 0.4908539 0.4908539   0.9108297
## fc_TBATS_NoSeason     -0.03651686 1.9500004 1.9500004  -3.7900882
## fc_NN_1                0.02804840 1.4977845 1.4977845   2.7283150
## fc_NN_Raw             -0.10286626 5.4930584 5.4930584 -11.4661013
## Combination_uni       -0.02638761 1.4090984 1.4090984  -2.7102787
##                              MAPE MASE
## Average_Method        0.054227473   NA
## Naive_Method          0.030226542   NA
## Seasonal_Naive_Method 0.039459016   NA
## Drift_Method          0.025706745   NA
## Simple_Arima_1        0.044681132   NA
## Arima_Seasons1_2      0.044681132   NA
## Arima_Fourier_AIC     0.057774259   NA
## fc_TBATS_Raw_1        0.052305047   NA
## fc_TBATS_Season1_2    0.115571570   NA
## fc_TBATS_Season2_3    0.017163769   NA
## fc_TBATS_Season1_3    0.009108297   NA
## fc_TBATS_NoSeason     0.037900882   NA
## fc_NN_1               0.027283150   NA
## fc_NN_Raw             0.114661013   NA
## Combination_uni       0.027102787   NA
# Machine learning models, traget period
##                             MEAN        RMSE         MAE         MPE
## XGBoost             0.0368643629 1.968556976 1.968556976  3.55536984
## RF_1               -0.0209350274 1.117930464 1.117930464 -2.13826743
## RF_2               -0.0177011210 0.945239859 0.945239859 -1.80200969
## RF_3               -0.0057068859 0.304747705 0.304747705 -0.57396413
## Ridge               0.0094784967 0.506151725 0.506151725  0.93894984
## Lasso               0.0001297882 0.006930689 0.006930689  0.01297713
## elastic             0.0090545807 0.483514607 0.483514607  0.89733309
## Combination_ml     -0.0072462761 0.386951145 0.386951145 -0.72991679
## Combination_uni_ml -0.0389034935 2.077446551 2.077446551 -4.04782383
##                            MAPE MASE
## XGBoost            0.0355536984   NA
## RF_1               0.0213826743   NA
## RF_2               0.0180200969   NA
## RF_3               0.0057396413   NA
## Ridge              0.0093894984   NA
## Lasso              0.0001297713   NA
## elastic            0.0089733309   NA
## Combination_ml     0.0072991679   NA
## Combination_uni_ml 0.0404782383   NA